Miles Davis Podcast: Chris Botti
Versatile trumpeter Chris Botti might be the biggest Miles Davis fan that I have ever met. There is nothing that Chris does not know about Miles, his trumpet artistry, recordings and legacy. His energy on the subject is boundless and on this podcast episode, you will hear that passion for yourself.
Miles Davis Podcast: Christian Scott
Sensational trumpeter Christian Scott grew up listening to Miles Davis. And as the young musician has matured, he has never forgotten those early impressions from the classic Miles recordings during the Prestige years.
Miles Davis Podcast: Marcus Miller
Marcus Miller produced, composed, recorded and performed with Miles during the 1980‘s and 1990‘s resulting in some of Miles’ greatest modern day classics including Tutu, Amandla and the soundtrack to the film Siesta.
Mike Metheny: A Tapestry of Sonic Delight
There are a few aspects of Mike Metheny’s artistry that I have always enjoyed hearing. The first is the beautiful sound he gets out of his horns – especially the flugelhorn. The second is his ability to play and improvise on the EVI (Electronic Valve Instrument) – he is one of only a few artists…